Wie-Tec | Refurbished Accip Biotech CellCollector

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Wie-Tec | Refurbished Accip Biotech CellCollector

SKU: 774

The refurbished Accip Biotech CellCollector is an innovative device for isolating cells or particles from a petri dish environment. It consists of a digital camera, a motor-driven axis system, and a micropipette. The device was manufactured in 2003 and is in almost new condition.


Robot arm 3 axes
Pixellink camera type PL-A641
Optics Navitar Precise Eye
PC with monitor Operating system Windows 98
Fostec cold light source

The powerful image analysis program collects image data and controls the isolation procedure. The isolated cells can be transferred to individual vessels or up to 96-well plates. Further information can be found on the manufacturer's website.


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