

Service provider


Kantstraße 13

37120 Bovenden





+49 551 3810 3954

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Liability and Legal Disclaimer

Links to External Websites: The content of external websites to which we directly or indirectly refer is beyond our responsibility, and we do not endorse or adopt them. We assume no responsibility for any content or consequences arising from the use of information accessible through the linked websites.

Copyright and Trademark Rights: All content presented on this website, including texts, photographs, graphics, trademarks, and trade names, are protected by their respective intellectual property rights (copyrights, trademarks). The use, reproduction, etc. are subject to our rights or the rights of the respective authors or rights holders.

Legal text by Dr. Schwenke - please click for more information..

Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights:
No warning without prior contact.

If any content or the design and technical layout of individual pages or parts of this website violate any of your protective rights, third-party protective rights, or legal regulations or otherwise give rise to competition law issues, we request that you contact us promptly, providing sufficient explanation, and without a fee, referring to § 8 Abs. 4 UWG (German Act Against Unfair Competition).

We guarantee that the passages or parts of these web pages that are rightfully contested will be removed or fully adjusted to comply with legal requirements in a reasonable timeframe, without requiring you to involve legal representation. Involving a lawyer for the purpose of issuing a warning notice that incurs costs for the service provider does not correspond to the service provider's actual or presumed intent and would thus constitute a violation of § 13 Abs. 5 UWG (German Act Against Unfair Competition) due to the pursuit of non-essential goals as the dominating motive for initiating the proceedings, especially the aim of cost recovery, and would also constitute a violation of the duty to mitigate damages.

Any costs triggered without prior contact will be categorically rejected and, if applicable, may lead to a counterclaim for violating the aforementioned provisions.







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