microscopia | Refurbished Leica Objective ∞/0-2/C N PLAN L 40x/0.55 CORR (Leica No. 506218)

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microscopia | Refurbished Leica Objective ∞/0-2/C N PLAN L 40x/0.55 CORR (Leica No. 506218)

High-quality Leica objective for inverted microscopes

This Leica objective ∞/0-2/C N PLAN L 40x/0.55 CORR (No. 506218) is in used condition and is ideal for use on inverted microscopes with an M25 thread. It features excellent optical and mechanical quality, providing reliable and precise performance.

Technical data:

Feature Value
Type ∞/0-2/C N PLAN L
Magnification 40x
Numerical aperture 0.55
Tube length 160 mm
Objective thread M25
Condition Used
Optics Very good
Mechanics Very good


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