ZEISS | The upright microscope Primostar 3 - fixed-Köhler

LLS ROWIAK LaserLabSolutions GmbH

Garbsener Landstraße 10
30419 Hannover

Web: https://www.lls-rowiak.de/

E-Mail: info@lls-rowiak.de
Telefon/Phone: +49 (0)511 277 2976
Fax: +49 (0)511 277 1766

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ZEISS Primostar 3: Innovative Microscope for Digital Education and Routine Laboratory Tasks
Efficient Solution for Education and Routine Applications

The ZEISS Primostar 3 is the ideal choice for deployment in digital education and routine laboratories. With its user-friendly interface, compact design, and durability, it proves to be a top-tier investment, especially in environments with limited space and extended working hours.

Precision and Durability: A Secure Investment

Built from high-quality materials and designed with a focus on mechanical stability, the Primostar 3 ensures flawless functionality even after extensive daily use under demanding conditions. Its low maintenance requirements and optional five-year ZEISS warranty extension make it a secure and durable investment.

Versatile Configuration Options: Tailored to Your Requirements

The Primostar 3's flexibility allows you to select the microscope configuration that aligns with your specific needs. From the basic education version with Fixed-Köhler to the Full-Köhler configuration for histological labs, these packages are precisely tuned to various applications, enabling immediate use right out of the box.

Digital Integration for Inspirational Teaching:

  • Fully Integrated Digital Camera: The Primostar 3 comes equipped with an integrated digital camera in the tube.
  • Connectivity Options: Diverse connectivity options provide flexibility.
  • Labscope App for Classroom Networking: ZEISS's Labscope app allows microscopes in the classroom to be networked. Snapshots or live videos can be shared with all course participants through an HD monitor or projector.
  • Labscope Teacher for Classroom Management: The optional Labscope Teacher software module facilitates efficient management of the digital classroom. Teachers can gain insights into each microscope in the room via an iPad or Windows PC. For online classes, Primostar 3 can be easily connected to a Windows PC to share the camera feed directly with all participants in the video call.

The ZEISS Primostar 3 offers an innovative solution for digital education and routine applications, seamlessly combining precision, durability, and digital integration.

Configurations (5)


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