LLS ROWIAK LaserLabSolutions GmbH

LLS ROWIAK LaserLabSolutions GmbH

Garbsener Landstraße 10 Germany +49 (0)511 277 2976 info@lls-rowiak.de https://www.lls-rowiak.de/


LLS ROWIAK LaserLabSolutions GmbH offers unique solutions for laser-based and image-guided tissue and material preparation and cell manipulation - from laser-based microtomy for histological sample preparation, especially of hard tissues and implant-containing tissues, to damage-free trimming of tissue such as pericardium, to intracellular nanodissection.

The portfolio comprises laser cutting and imaging systems and related services, including customized technology and application development as well as histological sample preparation from embedding to analysis. Since 2017, LLS has also been a specialized trade and service partner of Carl Zeiss Microscopy. The service offer for Zeiss Microscopy includes consulting (e.g. in the design of digital microscopy rooms), training on hardware and software as well as maintenance and repair.


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