Press Release: CRAIC Technologies Launches FLEX PRO™: Flexible Design for Incredible Results

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CRAIC Technologies Launches FLEX PRO™: Flexible Design for Incredible Results

The FLEX PRO™ microspectrophotometer is a high-performance instrument with advanced spectroscopic capabilities for analyzing materials at a microscale level.


San Dimas, CA (October 17, 2023) -- CRAIC Technologies, a leading manufacturer of scientific instruments for the analysis of materials, has announced the launch of FLEX PRO™, its latest innovation in microspectrophotometry. FLEX PRO™ is a powerful instrument that combines UV-visible-NIR microspectroscopy and imaging, making it a cost effective tool for materials science, forensic analysis, and life sciences research.

FLEX PRO™ offers a range of features that allow for flexible and precise measurements of samples in transmission, reflection and fluorescence modes. Its intuitive software interface and advanced capabilities make it easy to use for both novice and advanced users. The instrument can be configured with a variety of accessories, including multiple objective lenses, automated mapping stages, and even Raman spectroscopy, providing flexibility for a wide range of applications.

"We are excited to introduce FLEX PRO™, our latest addition to the line of microspectrophotometers," said Dr. Paul Martin, President of CRAIC Technologies. "FLEX PRO™ offers a new level of flexibility and precision in microspectroscopy that is not available in any other instrument in the market. This instrument has been designed with the needs of researchers in mind and offers a range of advanced features that are critical for a wide range of applications."

FLEX PRO™ is expected to have a significant impact on various scientific fields, including materials science, forensic analysis, and life sciences research. With its unique capabilities, FLEX PRO™ will help researchers and scientists to perform cutting-edge research and achieve their scientific goals.

About CRAIC Technologies: CRAIC Technologies is a leading manufacturer of scientific instruments for the analysis of materials. Since 2002, CRAIC Technologies has been providing high-quality microspectrophotometers to researchers and scientists worldwide. The company is known for its innovative products that offer advanced features and exceptional performance.

For more information about FLEX PRO™ and CRAIC Technologies, please visit or contact us at

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CRAIC Technologies, Inc.



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