Wie-Tec | Refurbished Leica Transmitted Light Microscope DMLB with Phototube and Three Objectives

Wie-Tec | Refurbished Leica Transmitted Light Microscope DMLB with Phototube and Three Objectives

SKU: 4630

Leica transmitted light microscope DMLB with phototube and three objectives with the following equipment:

Eyepieces HC Plan 10x/25 Eyepieces M 507800
Binocular Phototube HC L3TP 4/5/7 551505
Objective Revolver 6-fold
Objectives N Plan 5x/0.12 506087
  HC Plan Fluotar 10x/0.30 506505
  HC Plan Fluotar 20x/0.50 506503
X/Y Mechanical Stage with Object Holder  
Condenser Achr.-apl. A 0.9
Transmitted Light Illumination 12V 30W
Filter DLF and green

The microscope is in a very good and lightly used condition.

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