NIKON | ECLIPSE Ji: Smart Experiments with Automated Assays

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NIKON | ECLIPSE Ji: Smart Experiments with Automated Assays

The performance level of a research microscope in the form of an assay laboratory benchtop device. Easy Operation Less complexity and effort in experimental setups through AI-driven assays and analyses.

Simple Cell Imaging You don't need to master complicated microscope hardware and software – the ECLIPSE Ji significantly simplifies imaging and data acquisition for single-cell analysis.

High-Quality Optics Nikon's renowned optics deliver clear and sharp images of samples in various vessels.

Smart Experiments with Automated Assays By utilizing Nikon's precise optical hardware, all the benefits of high sensitivity and resolution that one would expect from a research-grade microscope are retained in an AI-driven, easy-to-use benchtop device.

The ECLIPSE Ji fits on any standard laboratory bench, features an integrated anti-vibration base, and protects samples from bright room light. No special space in the lab or a separate darkened room is required for efficient imaging assays.

Standard Assays

Assay Details
Intensity Measurement Compares changes in the degree of protein expression in cells and cell nuclei in multiple wells of microtiter plates
Cell Counting (Endpoint) Counts the number of cell nuclei in a fixed sample and measures the area occupied by the cells per well of a microtiter plate
Transfection Efficiency Determines the percentage of cells expressing a specific target protein
Morphological and Size Measurements Analyzes cell morphology with measurements of the cell nucleus, cytoplasm, and overall cell size
Cytotoxicity Determines the percentage of dead cells out of the total cell count and provides cytotoxicity assessments
Apoptosis Measures the percentage of apoptotic cells in defined populations
DNA Damage (Gamma H2AX) Analyzes foci of DNA damage within individual cell nuclei
Nuclear Translocation Measures the nuclear translocation of NF-κB in response to an extracellular stimulus
Autophagy Measures the number of autophagosomes, their area, and fluorescence intensity
Phagocytosis Measures the number, area, and fluorescence intensity of bioparticles taken into the cell by phagocytosis
Endocytosis Measures the number, area, and fluorescence intensity of granules formed by endocytosis, which are taken up from outside the cell
Micronucleus Test Measures the number of cells containing micronuclei or multiple nuclei
Mitochondrial Toxicity Measures the number, area, and fluorescence intensity of mitochondria

Easily Achieve Results with AI The ECLIPSE Ji's "Smart Experiment" software interface utilizes newly developed artificial intelligence (AI) to minimize error rates and maximize data collection.

Simple Imaging and Analysis in Single-Cell Experiments Users save valuable time at the microscope, as AI based on deep learning takes over defining imaging settings and image analysis parameters.

Automatic Plate Recognition
Plate type and dimensions are automatically detected. There is no need to select types from lists or manually enter plate data.

Automatic Sample Detection
A quick preview across the entire plate indicates which wells have samples, allowing empty wells to be easily skipped.

Automatic Calculation of Optimal Exposure Settings
The often tedious adjustment of light intensity and exposure time is eliminated. Optimal exposure settings for image analysis are automatically calculated from the luminance values of all wells.

Automatic Plate Alignment
No manual steps are required to align the plate. The system automatically detects and corrects the plate position.

Configurations (0)

For this microscope, no configurations are currently set up. Please contact the manufacturer or a specialist retailer of your choice for advice on your application.


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